SHEQ | ESG Software Solutions

Needs Analysis/ Strategy/ Software Selection

First we use a quantitative and vetted methodology for documenting current processes, functional requirements, process gaps, and consolidation opportunities. We work with clients to define and analyze the selection criteria.

We will facilitate the communication and coordination of vendor software evaluations on your behalf if you so choose to place your trust in us. 

Finally, before we recommend a solution, a requirements evaluation matrix is built to score solutions and software vendors.


We will prepare an implementation plan that contains a statement of the overall strategy and organizes the project. The plan will addresses how each of the implementation tasks will be accomplished, identifies deliverables, defines roll-out schedules, and identifies resources/level of effort needed to complete the implementation tasks for the selected system.

 We work with clients that have selected commercial software packages to conceptualize, design and manage a configuration plan for the organization.

Support and Maintenance

After your software is up and running SBS would be honored to continue to work with you to maintain and support your system. As we are the SHEQ and ESG software experts, many clients retain our services as it can be a cost effective solution vice finding new full time hires. If we were not part of your implementation process we would still love to support you in any way we can.

Continuous Improvement

When retaining our services SBS will take a deep dive into understanding your configuration, identify potential process gaps, and finally recommend system improvements. 

The SaaS world is in continuous flux, with new enhancements and products coming out at a rapid pace. We can work with you and your vendor to showcase new features, and assist in determining what the additional costs may result from implementation, if at all any.

Ready to get started?